Hi!! Did you miss me??? I will be home tomorrow with an all new and exciting post!! To tide you over I am going to list 10 things I bet you did not know about Justin and just 10 more reasons why I love him.
1. He collects sports jerseys.
2. He owns half a dozen Harley Davidsons, a Mercedes M Class and two Mercedes Benz.
3. His favorite ice cream is Baskin Robin's Daquiri Ice.
4. When he is not able to fall asleep, he sings himself to sleep.
5. He was born at 6:30 in the evening. On January 31, 1981 that is... (he is only 7 months and 20 days older than me =)
6. He Collects sneakers.
7. Cites his greatest fears as dying unloved, snakes, sharks, spiders and falling unconscious at a concert from the stuffed animals fans throw on stage. (I am afraid of spiders too baby!)
8. Loves skiing and snowboarding.
9. Broke his left foot in December 2002 during dance rehearsals.
10. Is a noted fan of country music.
Justin, I collect sneakers too! We should totally compare who has more!!
There you have it folks, Up Close and Personal with JT. Have a good night!

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